• 14 декабря 2017, четверг
  • Москва, Винный Базар, ул. Большая Садовая, д. 1

Crimean Wines & Delicious Tapas

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Другие события организатора

2629 дней назад
14 декабря 2017 c 19:30 до 23:00
Винный Базар, ул. Большая Садовая, д. 1

Crimean winemaking has a history of over two thousand years. During the Imperial times, wine was a drink reserved for nobility, accessible to the general population only once the Soviet government began the mass production that made it something everyone could enjoy. The Soviet Union’s collapse resulted in the reduction of vineyard space, consequently decreasing wine production.


Today, Crimean winemaking is experiencing a true revival. Businesses are jumping to invest in the region’s vineyards, which are implementing modern European technologies. But is Crimea ready yet to rival the leading wine producers of the world?


We’re determined to find out, with an evening of ALMA VALLEY wine tasting paired with delectable tapas. Conducting the tasting will be Igor Serdyuk, a journalist and wine expert.


Wine & Tapas Menu:


Alma Valley White & Artichoke 

Sauvignon Blanc & Tapenade with Brie

Chardonnay & Fresh Tuna Sashimi

Summer Wine & Tuna and Bell Pepper Salad

Winter Wine & Parma Ham with Pear

Pinot Noir & Roast Beef with Capers

Merlot & Parma Ham with Zucchini

Cabernet Sauvignon & Scallops in Gorgonzola Sauce


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