• 20 января 2018, суббота
  • Москва, Delegatskaya str., 3

The Design System in the USSR

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2592 дня назад
20 января 2018 c 14:00 до 18:00
Delegatskaya str., 3

We invite you to TMT Club’s Art Tour to the Moscow Design Museum. Let’s learn more about the design system in the USSR and discuss it over the lunch.

Moscow Design Museum is opening the first ever exhibition which represents the state design system that existed in the Soviet Union in the 1960-1980’s.

The project is a result of the research conducted by Moscow Design Museum based on studying the archives and interviewing Soviet designers. The exhibition tells about the main organizations working in the field of design and technical aesthetics, their interaction and role in the development of industrial production in our country.

The design system covered the whole country and it had no analogues in the West. It could not work perfectly well due to the planned economy and the absence of market relations, but its importance in the development of
industrial production, the formation of the theory and methodology of design was enormous. After the Perestoyka the system was destroyed: the research institutes and the design offices were closed, many archives were lost. The exhibition presents the unique items that tell about the state design organization in the USSR during 1962 — 1989 for the first time.

Don’t miss а chance to see it with your own eyes!

After the tour, we are going to have lunch in a nearby cafe and share our thoughts and impressions. All questions about design in the USSR will be answered by a knowledgeable curator of the exhibition.

Date: Saturday, January 20

Time: 14:00 welcome drink

            14:30 — 16:00 museum tour

            16:00 — 18:00 continue at cafe

Price: 1200RUB


- welcome drink at the museum

- guided tour in English

- drink & snack at the cafe after tour


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