• 26 января 2018, пятница
  • Москва, Whisky rooms, Леонтьевский переулок, 8/1

Single Malt Scotch tasting

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2586 дней назад
26 января 2018 c 19:30 до 22:30
Whisky rooms, Леонтьевский переулок, 8/1

Experience some of the finest single malt Scotch whisky the right way — with Russian tapas and some lively company!

Some time ago, we had the pleasure of visiting Whisky Rooms and have been eager to return for more drinks and stories ever since. 
We’re happy to invite you to come along with us for a unique learning and tasting experience centered around the historical beverage and its rich heritage. The event will be featuring new, off-menu brands, specially paired with delicious tapas and served alongside an educational presentation by a whisky expert. Some may be intimidated by the vast and serious topic of whisky, but don’t worry — you’ll be in good hands here! It’s bound to be an evening as relaxing and enjoyable as it is fascinating and informative. 

We’ll be trying three types of single malt Scotch whisky: 
1. Glen Scotia Double Cask, the classic, rich & spicy Campbeltown malt, a stellar representation of the formidable pedigree of whisky-making since 1832; 
2. The smooth Glen Scotia 15 Year Old, gently matured in the finest American oak barrels; 
3. The light and elegant Glengarry 12 Year Old Highland Single Malt, a blend of whisky from three cask types: bourbon, refill, and re-charred. 

Assisted by our knowledgeable expert, Aleksey Novoselov, we’ll be guided through the world of whisky, and, who knows, maybe we’ll end up feeling like experts ourselves! 

Date: January 26 
Time: 19:30 
Price: 1,900 rub 
Location: Whisky Rooms, Leontievsky per, 8/1 

Price includes: a welcome drink, an expert-guided tasting of three types of whisky, tapa pairing, and a fun atmosphere with good friends



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