• 11 февраля 2018, воскресенье
  • Москва, 15, bld 11, Leningradsky prospekt

Russian Impressionism

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2570 дней назад
11 февраля 2018 c 15:00 до 18:00
15, bld 11, Leningradsky prospekt

TMT Art Club invites you to see the greatest collection of the Museum of Russian Impressionism and share the impressions over drinks!

We’ll be seeing a permanent exhibition based on museum founder Boris Mints’s personal collection of notable Russian masterpieces. It consists of more than 70 pieces of artwork from prominent Russian artists such as Konstantin Korovin, Igor Grabar, Konstantin Yuon, Pyotr Konchalovsky, and Yuri Pimenov, as well as selected works by Boris Kustodiev and Valentin Serov.

The museum team’s work over the past two years has been recognized by the international art community and has earned it a spot on the prestigious International Council of Museums (ICOM).

The museum’s permanent exhibition covers a considerable chronological range. Its earliest painting is "In the Park," painted in the 1880s by Konstantin Korovin. At that time, Russian art was taking its first steps toward formal painting. The most recent works are those by Valery Koshlyakov, with the 2012 "Postcards" series. Much of the artwork, including Nikolay Bogdanov-Belsky’s "Summer" and Boris Kustodiev’s "Venice," has been brought back to its homeland thanks to the efforts of the museum’s founder. Both of the museum’s Pyotr Konchalovsky acquisitions, for instance, once belonged to Western collectors, as did Nikolay Dubovskoy’s "Mountain Village." Konstantin Korovin’s "Gurzuf" was also purchased at a European auction and reclaimed. Due to such historical details, the images created by the careful brushes of Igor Grabar, Konstantin Yuon, and Yury Pimenov have thus far been exhibited only too rarely. It’s an uncommon privilege that they are now on display at the Museum of Russian Impressionism.

Our museum tour will be led by a knowledgeable English-speaking guide. After that, following TMT Clubs tradition, we’ll continue on to lunch for some lively discussion. There’s sure to be plenty to cover!

Date: Sunday, February 11

Time:  15:00

Price: 1900 Rub

Place: The Museum of Russian Impressionism, 15 Leningradsky Prospekt, Bldg. 11

Includes: a guided tour in English and a post-tour drink at the cafe


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