• 20 февраля 2018, вторник
  • Москва, Пятницкая улица, 10

Modern Greek Meze Meal

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2561 день назад
20 февраля 2018 c 19:30 до 23:00
Пятницкая улица, 10

To bring some Russian notes to modern Greek dishes, Simple Greek restaurant serves local craft beer, which fits surprisingly well. Eager to try by yourself?

Greek cuisine has a culinary tradition of some 4,000 years and is a part of the history and the culture of Greece. Its flavors change with the season and its geography. Greek cookery, historically a forerunner of Western cuisine, spread its culinary influence — via ancient Rome — throughout Europe and beyond. It has influences from the different people’s cuisine the Greeks have interacted with over the centuries, as evidenced by several types of sweets and cooked foods. Contemporary Greek cookery makes wide use of vegetables, olive oil, grains, fish, wine, and meat. 

The Moscow Times Clubs invite you to a Greek dinner, guided by charismatic and passionate Greek chief and his new mix of home-cooking and street Greek food. 


Snacks: Halloumi cheese, Tyro (cheese) crocketts, grilled potatoes, sauces 

Main dishes: Greek salad, Melitzanosalata (Greek Eggplant Salad), pitaki bread and skepasti (Greel style pizza). 

Dessert: matsoni with white cherry jam (traditional Greek yogourt) 

Drinks: craft

Price: 2200 RUR

Time: 19:30, February, 20

Place: Simple Greek, 10, Pyatnickaya st

Price includes: three varieties of snacks and sauces, main dish with choice of salads, a dessert, two glasses of craft drinks, fun Greek atmosphere.


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