• 15 февраля 2018, четверг
  • Москва, Lva Tolstogo, 18B

FRENCH SOIRÉE at Jean-Jacques

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2566 дней назад
15 февраля 2018 c 19:30 до 22:30
Lva Tolstogo, 18B

Bonjour les amis! For an evening that’s sure to be plenty charming, we’re going to the legendary Jean-Jacques, Moscow’s famous French cafe and wine bar.

Over its 10 years of existence, the Jean-Jacques cafes have become something of a cultural phenomenon in Moscow. They’re full of creative atmosphere and inspiring energy, surrounding you with images of famous characters, found in the decor and maybe even on the paper tablecloths for guests to draw on. It’s a perfect place for meeting new friends, catching up with old ones, and engaging in creative discussions, and it’s especially welcoming to expats and lovers of good French cuisine. 
On this rare occasion, we’ll be tasting dishes from the new menu by brand chef David Hemmerle. One of France’s promising chefs, he’s been in charge of the menu at Jean-Jacques since May 2017. 
Each of us will have the chance to try out a starter and a main dish. 
Date and time: February 15, 19:30
Address: ulitsa Lva Tolstogo, 18B (10 mins from m. Park Kultury)
Price: 2200 RUR
Includes a starter and main dish + drinks.


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