• 18 марта 2018, воскресенье
  • Москва, 6, Kamergersky Lane

Life and music of Sergey Prokofiev

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2535 дней назад
18 марта 2018 c 15:00 до 18:00
6, Kamergersky Lane

TMT Art Club together with the Glinka National Museum Consortium of Musical Culture are starting a new cultural educational project "Musical Moscow".

The project includes series of art tours in order to know more about 
the creative heritage of the great Russian composers and performers who made a serious influence on the development of the world musical art.
Today, the Russian National Museum of Music is an unparalleled treasury of musical cultural heritage. No other country has such a large-scale musical museum.

The first meeting will be held on March 18 at the Prokofiev Museum (Музей С. С. Прокофьева in the heart of Moscow. Here Prokofiev worked on the ballet The Tale of the Stone Flower, On Guard for Peace oratorio, And the Seventh Symphony. We are going to visit the exposition "Sergei Prokofiev — a composer who determined the time", revealing
various facets of the work of one of the greatest composers of the past century. During the tour, you will be able to get acquainted with the musical work of Sergei Prokofiev, his symphony and
choral scores, chamber music, with his opera and ballet.
The meeting will end with a concert of a talented young musician, Vasily Zabolotniy. He will perform a collection of piano miniatures of Sergey Prokofiev.

Date and time: 15:00, March, 18
Place:  the Prokofiev Museum, 6, Kamergersky Lane
Price: 1900 Rub
Includes: a guided tour in English, complimentary drink over the piano concert.


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