• 7 апреля 2018, суббота
  • Москва, 31/12, ул. Бахрушина

Two Centuries of Marius Petipa

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2515 дней назад
7 апреля 2018 c 13:30 до 17:00
31/12, ул. Бахрушина

TMT Art Club invites you to the Bakhrushin Theater Museum to learn more about the greatest names of Russian theater and visit the inspiring exhibition «Two Centuries of Marius Petipa».

When Marius Petipa (1818 — 1910) choreographed the “Nutcracker” in 1892, he couldn’t have guessed that he was creating a Christmas tradition that would thrive into the 21st century. That work continues to enchant and delight us every holiday season wherever you can find a ballet company. And Petipa was hardly a one-hit wonder. Though perhaps not as much of a household name as Tchaikovsky, he also worked closely with the composer to create “Swan Lake” and “Sleeping Beauty.” Explore the life of the principal choreographer of St. Petersburg’s Imperial Ballet at a new exhibition at the Bakhrushin Theater Museum with The Moscow Times Clubs. Afterwards, we will discuss our impressions over a complimentary drink.

Date and time: 13:30, April, 7
Place: 31/12, Bakhrushina Street,A.A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum/Metro station «Paveletskaya»
Price:1500 Rub
Price includes: a guided tour in English of the museum exposition and the exhibition "Two Centuries of Marius Petipa"), a special museum-quiz with gifts, a drink and a snack.  


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