• 22 марта 2018, четверг
  • Москва, Зубовский бульвар, 2, стр. 7

TMT Movie Night - The Man Who Saved the World.

Регистрация на событие закрыта

We are very sorry, but the registration is closed. However, you can buy a ticket on the website of the cinema and join us anyways. 

To do so please mail us at community@themoscowtimes.com in advance.

Другие события организатора

2531 день назад
22 марта 2018 c 19:00 до 23:00
Зубовский бульвар, 2, стр. 7

Join us for another Movie Night! This time we are going to watch “The Man Who Saved the World”.

It is a 2014 Danish documentary film by Peter Anthony. The film is about Stanislav Petrov, a retired Soviet Military officer, who prevented the start of a worldwide nuclear war. Few people know him, but millions of people are alive because of him.


Price: 500 RUR

Location: DFC (ЦДК, Documentary Film Center)

Address: Zubovsky bulvar, 2, bldg. 7

Schedule: 19:00 — welcome drinks, 19:30 — the movie starts.


Just like always, everyone is invited to a cafe for discussions after the film.


We are truly looking forward to seeing you.



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