• 15 апреля 2018, воскресенье
  • Москва, Ленинградский проспект, д. 5 стр.2, подъезд 1 Код 005 7 этаж

Russian Tea around the Table at the Tikhomirov's Art Studio

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Другие события организатора

2507 дней назад
15 апреля 2018 c 16:00 до 20:00
Ленинградский проспект, д. 5 стр.2, подъезд 1 Код 005 7 этаж

Have you ever been to a painter’s studio?

On Sunday, April 15 we are visiting one of them. In this cozy place at Leningradski prospect Olga and Leonid Tikhomirov had been living, working and seeing their friends (in many cases artists, likewise). Can you imagine how many intriguing conversations have been held here?
Surrounded by chef-d’oeuvres in the elegant frames, we will be drinking tea and listening to the story of this lovely couple and Moscow life in USSR.
More information about the studio and the artists: http://en.tikhomirovy.com/
The event is family-friendly.
Welcome drink are included.
Time: 16:00
Price: 1200 RUB
Address: Leningradskiy prospekt, 5/2, 1 entrance, call 005 and get 7 floor.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us:
E-mail  community@themoscowtimes.com
Cell      +79296634823 Marie


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