• 4 июля 2018, среда
  • Москва, Tverskoi boulevard 10 bld. 1 (Тверской бульвар 10 стр. 1)

How to Eat Russian Feast

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2390 дней назад
4 июля 2018 c 19:00 до 22:30
Tverskoi boulevard 10 bld. 1 (Тверской бульвар 10 стр. 1)

We have a great event coming up soon in the Russian Pub, located on Tverskoi boulevard.

Strong drinks in Russia have always been part of the Russian feast, and we want to break the stereotype where drinking vodka served only as a way to get you to go out there and have fun — so, welcome to the Russian Pub for the Borshevka tasting on Wednesday, July 3rd Borshevka was the first gastronomic vodka in Russia, which was served in well-off families to accompany the traditional Russian dishes and make their flavor more delicious. So apart from different types of Borshevka to experience, you’ll hear the history of noble strong drinks and ‘rules’ of their consumption, which the royal family used to follow yeas ago. We have always prepared a set of starters and main dishes, that no Russian would imagine Borshevka without. The menu Traditional salted vegetables (cabbage, ramson & marinade garlic) Herring over young potatoes with cheese cream Buter (toast) with Caspian forshmak Okroshka (traditional cold vegetable soup with kvas or yoghurt) Russian dumplings with 3 types of meat Drinks Welcome cabbage mojito 3 types of Borshevka https://www.facebook.com/borschevka Price: 2500 RUR if paid in advance and 2700 RUR at the door.


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