• 25 июля 2018, среда
  • Москва, Kotelnicheskaya nab., 1/15

Apartment Museum of the ballet dancer Galina Ulanova

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2406 дней назад
25 июля 2018 c 19:00 до 21:30
Kotelnicheskaya nab., 1/15

Trip to the Apartment Museum of Galina Ulanova

You can say a lot about the person, judging by the house or apartment, one is living in. This is the place where you spend the most precious time with your family, where you can be yourself and let the rest of the world go by.
Next week we will try to examine the life and character of one of the most famous Russian ballerinas — Galina Ulanova in her glorious apartment on Kotelnicheskay emb — in one of the seven “Stalin’s sisters”. The apartment has her furniture preserved inside, displaying photographs, letters and which tell the story of Ulanova’s career.
Galina Ulanova is the symbol of Russian ballet, so join us in this trip to her apartment museum in one of the Moscow high-risers.
When: Wednesday, July 25th
Start at: 19 pm
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