• 25 августа 2018, суббота
  • Москва, Кремль Измайлово

On a bargain hunt: Izmaylovo Flea Market

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2386 дней назад
25 августа 2018 c 12:00 до 15:00
Кремль Измайлово

Next Saturday Александра Санькова (Sasha Sankova), the Director of the Moscow Design Museum, is thrilled to take you on a tour to one of the most famous flea markets in Moscow.

Next Saturday Александра Санькова (Sasha Sankova), the Director of the Moscow Design Museum, is thrilled to take you on a tour to one of the most famous flea markets in Moscow. Located close to “a second Kremlin”, it has not only a great choice of vintage souvenirs, old cameras, great stuff from Soviet times, but it also has the ambiance of an old Russian Market, which can give you an excellent cultural shopping experience.
Izmailovo Vernissage is the largest, world-renowned exhibition-fair of items of art and applied art created 25 years ago by artists, designers, craftspeople, artisans, unions, cooperatives, and other crafts folk crafts manufacturers.
Izmailovo Vernissage today is intended to maintain, develop and preserve Russian culture, crafts, and traditions.
The complex includes: “Artists Alley” with displayed works from more than 100 artists and “Craft Street” with artworks and folk techniques by masters of Zhostovo, Palekh, Gzhel, Sergiyev Posad, Dymkovo and other towns of Golden Ring.
Alexandra Sankhova will guide you through the wooden trade rows to help you pick some unique stuff for your household. She will also tell us about the items, that have been purchased for the collection of the Moscow Design Museum.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us!
+792966634823 Marie
+79164553865 Polly


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