• 13 сентября 2018, четверг
  • Москва, Певческий переулок 6

Expedition to the Northern Cuisine

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2356 дней назад
13 сентября 2018 c 19:30 до 22:30
Певческий переулок 6

The uniqal restaurant Expedition are inviting TMT Clubs to discover wealth of the northern cuisine! This is the most ecologically friendly area of Russia, stretching from the Arctic Circle, where the lower reaches of the mighty rivers flow into the Arctic Ocean: Obi, Lena, Yenisei and Irtysh.

We will talk about specialities of Northern Cuisine during the dinner.
The hosts will share their experience of the latest expedition (they came back to Moscow only a week ago!!)
The menu:
Aperitif wine — white or red
Northern delicacies and appetizers:
- "Polar pontoon"- assortment of Stroganina, which is finely sliced filet of frozen north fish (muksun, nelma (white salmon), sockeye), sea scallop, sliced sterlet, "Indigirka" salad. All served on ice. "Indigirka" is a classic Yakut salad with freshly frozen nelma (white salmon) and onions.
- "Northern boat" — assortment of light-salted fish: muksun, nelma (white selmon), omul, sockeye. Served with young potato, horseradish and soused lemon
-"Posikunchiki” — small fried pastries with mutton. Served with sour cream.
- Grilled tongues(venison). Served with cowberry sauce and Yakut pittas.
- "La Perouse Strait” — Far-eastern sea baked in its own shell with crab meat and shrimps.
Hot plate:
- "Kukan" — assortment of fish varieties and seafood: grilled muksun, nelma, salmon,sockeye, fried scallop, fried escargot, served with fiddlehead fern and magnolia-wine ("limonnik") sauce
- "Yagdtash" — assortment of grilled meat and game: venison, elk meat, wild goose, hazel grouse. Served with baked potato, soused cowberry and herby sauce.
For vegetarians we offer for choice (please, inform us when booking the slot at the dinner, that you prefer a veggie menu):
- Potato with mushrooms;
- Dumplings (‘Vareniki’) with potato and mushrooms;
- Kundym (sort of dumplings) with mushrooms and cabbage)
Dessert assortment:
- Cloudberry cake
- Pie with cedar nuts
- Poppy-seed pie
- Bird-cherry pie
- Siberian — berry pie.
Assortment of nastoyka (home-made liquor) — 14!!! varieties.
Coffee / or taiga tea.
We have limited amount of places and can confirm it for you only after payment.
You can contact us at any time:
+79296634823 Marie
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