• 5 октября 2018, пятница
  • Москва, Большая Садовая 10

A Literary Walking Tour: Following Mikhail Bulgakov

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2334 дня назад
5 октября 2018 c 19:00 до 21:30
Большая Садовая 10

There is no better way to pay tribute to your favorite authors or characters, than to follow in their footsteps via an entertaining walking tour.

There is no better way to pay tribute to your favorite authors or characters, than to follow in their footsteps via an entertaining walking tour.
When: Friday, October 5th at 19 pm — We are starting off with Patriach Ponds, where the opening scene to Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita is set.
We will lead you through the following route: — Patriarch’s Ponds — Malaya Bronnaya street — Bolshoy Kozikhinskiy lane — Bolshaya Bronnaya street — «The Odd Flat» (Bolshaya Sadovaya street, 10, flat № 50), where Mikhail Bulgakov lived in Moscow, creating his grand masterpiece.
What was Moscow like in the 1920-s? Which housing problems were the Muscovites facing at that time? Which literary works did Bulgakov write in the Odd Flat? What is the neighborhood famous for? — You will find answers to these questions during the tour
How much: 1200 rub. (art tour, tickets to the museum and drinks included)
You can contact us at any time community@themoscowtimes.com
+79296634823 Marie
+79164553865 Polly


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